Friday, July 17, 2009

You know, there are times when...

...everything goes your way. Or at least it seems that way. Times when you say 'aww fwk' with a happy tone~ Times when you smile even when shit happens. Times when you don't mind people giving a middle finger at you. Times when you answer your test with a smile even when you don't know the answer. Times when you clean your house suddenly. When you keep looking at your hands while smiling. Times when you wake up on your bed and you realize you've just woke up from a nice dream. Times when you feel like changing your hairstyle. Times when you just can't say reality's a bitch. Times when you started doodling aimlessly on your notes in class. Times when you drink your milk in one breath without realizing it. Well, simply...

...times when you're in love~

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