Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Zetsubou shita!!

My life is controlled by other's fwked ups : sucks right? but it's the truth.
(Random picture is random)

I watched K-ON the other day. Now, In case you're wondering what does a anti-overrated, seinen-lover like me was doing
watching a moe anime, I'm going to tell you that this anime is purely seinen. Yup, K-ON is a slice-of-life seinen anime and guess what? I LOVE IT! XD
Well, whatever, I'm gonna make myself watch Sengoku Basara after this XD

Useless post is useless.

1 comment:

Chizuru Miyuki said...

yo... moe girls rockin.. cool what? XDXD

me ♥ the ending song~~ XD